Wednesday 23 October 2013

Monday 21 October 2013


One of the doctors I know once gifted me a stuffed animal. To this day (21 years later!), it is still in good shape, and now that I'm in medical school, it's become my personal Med School mascot!


No, I do not have B+ (I'm a rather boring O+).
But this meme does remind me of Asian heritage.


Tuesday 15 October 2013

Hep B: Part 2

Did I already tell you guys about Hep B immunization being done in 3(!) parts?
So today I was subjected to a good skewering with needles and stiff muscles afterwards. I also got a cute stickie again.

I was also supposed to be subjected to a mantoux test for tuberculosis, but seeing as my parents were born in Asia, they decided to go with something else. (This was apparently because I've had a BCG vaccination in the past. The BCG apparently messes up the results of the mantoux screening.)

Saturday 12 October 2013

It's Pink!

For the people who know me in real life: Yes, I used to dislike pink, especially when it's everywhere.
I don't mind it so much nowadays, though.

But the real reason for my blog turning pink for this month, is Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
So go forth and pour some money into research for the cure against cancer!