Wednesday 18 July 2012

Take the * meds!

.. Take your damn meds, wench!
Sometimes, I wonder, why did the Gods make us this stupid? I've known a person for my whole life, but during the last days, her mind is falling apart because she damn refuses to take her medication. She's going paranoid, blaming every damn person for stealing objects from her house. At first, ghosts were responsible for making items disappear. Then, the neighbours. Then, random key-makers. And the list goes on.. Sigh.. (Or is she on radioactive, mind-wrecking meds?)

Tuesday 17 July 2012

Well, Hi!

As the title says, Hi!

I have no idea how many people are going to read my random musings, but who knows what people do in their spare time..

I guess I should introduce myself. I am Ainyria (this is one of my many nicknames).
I'm currently a 22yo Dutch/Asian girl/woman who is a medical student at the Academic Medical Center of Amsterdam and the University of Amsterdam.
I'm in my second year by now, and I've suddenly become somewhat knowledgeable about hyperthyroidism and Graves' Disease, since I'm also a patient with Graves' disease.
So I'm both a patient and a medical student at the same time. Win! (Not really.)

This is a blog I'm using as a sort of diary and emotional purgatory throughout my journey in becoming a doctor and dealing with Graves.

This is it for now.
See you around!