Sunday 21 October 2012

Brock Biology of Microorganisms

Another ridiculously thick book, although it doesn't match up to the High-and-Mighty Sobotta.

Well, obviously, the book deals with microorganisms. Mainly bacteria, Archaea and viruses though. I've been using the book to finish my writing assignment on EHEC and Salmonella. Overall, it's a pretty neat book. It's supposedly a good book for studying immunology, or so I've been told.

Lots of text, but a lot of illustrations too.

Saturday 20 October 2012


Mhm.. Smoked Salmon..
I like salmon. Especially smoked salmon. It's also one of the only kinds of fish I'll eat without fussing. Until my stomach started acting up after eating smoked salmon for lunch.
I figured it was because my salmon was several days past the "Use By.." date. Either that, or it contained some pathogen. But the diarrhea was only short-lived and very mild, so I continued eating salmon, because smoked salmon is so very expensive (yeah, yeah, I'm a cheapskate, I know). I figured I was immune to the pathogen anyways, because when I continued eating the salmon on a daily basis, it never bothered me anymore.
2 weeks later, somewhere between the 4th and 6th of October, I received a letter from the store telling me that it might have been infected with Salmonella. Oops?

Friday 12 October 2012

Gestational Diabetes

.. Alright. It's been a while since I posted something.
I've had to write 2 articles, one on gestational diabetes and the other on Enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli. Such fun.. But I'm back! Sort of..

Either way, everyone probably knows what diabetes is - it's a condition in which too much glucose travels around in our blood, either because the hormone insulin is not working, or because it's gone missing.

We women have a tendency to crave weird foods at times. Especially during pregnancy. Sugary foods might suddenly become very interesting, but we should still limit our intake.
