Saturday 16 March 2013

AMC-UvA Selections Part 1A

Hello y'all!

Today, I participated in the first rounds of the med school entrance exams of the University of Amsterdam.
The test was designed in a way that no one could have prepared him/herself for it, although this is not completely true..

The entrance exam consisted of 40 questions and a curriculum vitae to be filled in in about 2,5hrs.
I'm not sure if I did well or not, but I later found out that I'd correctly answered some of the questions.
I especially seemed to do well on the radiology/diagnosis questions, in which they presented me with an X-ray or CT scan of a patient, along with a question regarding the image.
I've had no training or whatsoever, but it seems like reading scans and x-rays seems to come to me naturally.

(Not to mention I spend some part of my spare time staring at cases and diagnoses for fun. In a way, I have had some training..)

Now, this doesn't mean that you'll have to focus on radiology if you're trying to enter med school. The questions will be different, every single time.
I merely found that my earlier exposure to radiology & diagnosis really helped me through some of the questions.
Having dealt with Threat & Protection I, in which we dealt with pathogens and immune responses, also immensely helped me through several questions.

If I happen to post a question of the entrance exam online, I'll probably get my ass sued, so I'm not going to post any questions, although I might cover some topics..

Wish me luck, as I'll hear of the results in a couple of weeks.
My chances of passing this test may be as low as 28%, as about 1450 people signed up, and only 420 or so will advance to the next tests.

If I did pass this round, I'll be subjected to a final series of tests in June.

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