Thursday 25 April 2013

AMC-UvA Selections Part 1B

 Somewhere back in March (March 16th, if you want to know..), I attended the first med school entry test for the AMC-University of Amsterdam. A total of 1450+ people signed up for the tests, 1273 of which attended the first round, 428 of which will be selected to move on to the next series of tests (Chances of being passing the first round: approximately 34%).
Of those people, only 263 will ultimately get into med school at AMC-UvA. Chances of getting into med school: approximately 21%.

It's been about 1,5months since I took the first test, and yesterday, I found out I passed it. :)
The dreaded, but much-welcomed letter of judgement

I had to re-read the online results at least thrice before I truly believed I passed it.
You see, the test dealt with physics, chemistry and biology in a medical/anatomical way.
The thing is, I'm not so bad in anatomy, immunology, radiology or biology, but my skill in physics is practically non-existent, and only mediocre in chem.

Nevertheless, I passed it with 21/38 correct, where 19/38 would allow you to move to the next rounds without so much of a hassle.
People with 15 or less correct were automatically rejected, whereas those with 16 to 18 correct were selected or rejected based on their resumes/curriculum vitae.

I'll move on to the next rounds with 427 other students, 165 of which will be gone by the end. That makes for a 61% chance of getting through the final rounds, and subsequently, into med school. It's not as high as I'd hoped for, but it's definitely a lot better compared to 21%.

I don't know whether or not I should dread the final round.
It's composed of a 2,5hr lecture, 3 10-minute interviews and a test on the course material provided to you during the lecture.
I know I should be capable of passing this. And I'm terribly afraid I'll somehow manage to screw this up.

One way or another, I'll kindly ask for lots of luck from absolutely everyone and everything (this includes you readers) in order to get through this.
Furthermore, I'll be stuck studying myself to death in order to get into med school, so Purexia might appear to be comatose. Fear not, it's only in hibernation.

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