Thursday 7 November 2013

Medical Memes

Yes, I'll admit it: I'm a nerd with too much free time on my hands. (Not so much free time, actually. I'm lagging behind, horribly.)
I love 9gag. I love memes. I'm not so much of a party-person. I don't drink alcohol (in public). I play computer games and handheld games. I hate biochem.

Biochem hates me too.

The book is, once again, pretty decent.
I just don't remember a word of what I've read (that's a lie. I remember 'Glycogen --> Glc-1-P --> Glc-6-P' but that's about it).
I zone out during lectures and start daydreaming of whatever tickles my fancy.
Or I zone out and start Facebooking instead of paying attention in class (that's the problem with taking a laptop to class).
I have absolutely no motivation left to deal with this blasted subject.

On a positive side note, it's almost weekend.
And one of my class mates tickled my "cute guy" radar. Does such a thing exist?

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