Friday 28 February 2014

1.5 - 3D Human: Passed!

I scored a 9.5/10, which could be rounded off to either a 9 or a 10, cause we generally don't do decimals here.
I'm so happy :D Another awesome grade to add up to my cum laude goal!

Even though the course '1.5 - 3D Human' was quite intensive, with lots of hours spent dissecting cadavers in a chilly room, lots of hours spent preparing everything at home, and a lot of hours spent staring at sometimes impossibly vague radiology images, it was quite worth it. The virtually 100% pass rate is proof of that.
I've come to the conclusion that I really do have a slight aptitude for Radiology, so I'm adding that to my list of potential specialties.

Thank you, nice professors who were quite clear in their instructions and explanations.
Thank you, to the makers of! (even though I didn't spend a lot of time using the site, it's been rather helpful)

And a HUGE THANK YOU to the teaching assistant who made my 9.5/10 possible! (You probably don't even know I'm writing this, but hey, thanks anyways ;) The Twix was good, by the way.)

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