Tuesday 7 July 2015


.. can be useful!

But only if you know what you're doing! :P
I got my earlobes pierced (a second earring piercing in each hole) several months ago, and initially, they healed up quite nicely.

Only just a few weeks ago, I noticed that one of my earlobes had started to grow a small smooth bump. No lymph, no crusting, just a small bump about half a centimeter in diameter.
It wasn't warm or an inflamed red or something, and there was no blood or pus either, so I really doubted that it could've been an inflammation or infection (besides, it's kind of late for the pierces to suddenly get infected now).

So there was only one thing I could come up with: keloids, also known as hypertrophic, ugly-as-hell, overgrown scar tissue.

If you're a person with a splash of colour on your skin (read: African/Asian/Hispanic/Mediterranean), you're a bit more likely to form keloids compared to white people.
Since I'm Asian, I belong to this unlucky group as well.
I didn't like the thought of having a keloid grow on the back of my earlobe, so I had to find a way to get rid of it (preferably without having a doctor tell me to take out the earrings and to have surgery done on my earlobes).

Luckily for me, I managed to dig up some topical steroid cream, which may or may not have encouraged the bump to disappear.
It's becoming smaller again, so maybe topical steroid creams can help against keloid formation, or maybe it wasn't a keloid at all.

Either way, I'm happy about my bump starting to disappear again.

So yeah. Topical steroids may have worked for me, but please don't go and buy the stuff to get rid of your own keloids without discussing it with your doctor.
I'm not responsible for the shit that might happen when you try to pull the same stunt I did.

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