Saturday 29 August 2015

Hyperthyroidism Quote #1

Random person: 
"You're hyperthyroid? Oh, lucky you.. You're losing weight and looking skinny without even having to work for it.. I want to have hyperthyroidism too!"

No. I'm not lucky. I'm not necessarily losing weight. Sometimes, I'm staying at a stable weight, and sometimes, my weight even increases because my thyroid tells me to eat loads of food only to not put all of the extra calories into heat production.
And when I do lose weight, it's due to muscle tissue being sacrificed for useless heat production.
I lost all of my hard work. All those hours put into martial arts training to build a strong and muscled body. Gone. Poof.
Nowhere to be found.

You don't want to have hyperthyroidism - you just want to have an easy way of losing fat. Hyperthyroidism isn't what you're looking for. It's a disease which drives you insane. It can destroy your relationships, and if you decide not to have it treated, it can kill you.

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