Thursday 11 February 2016

Oh Tumblr..

I might just love you. Really.

I was taking a break from studying (seriously, sometimes I just want to run away from med school and spend the rest of my days lazing around beneath a palm tree, drinking yummy cocktails and ogling pretty handsome guys..), and I decided to spend some time on Tumblr.


My Graves' Disease isn't making things easy for me at the moment - med school is hard enough even without a chronic illness to drag you down, but add the constant alertness for any signs of an infection*, depression, body image issues and everything that comes hand-in-hand with Graves' Disease, and you're in for a rough ride.

Monday 1 February 2016

Psych: Go!

Psychiatry starts this week. I really liked my mini-rotation in psych, so I hope the block is going to be awesome as well!