Friday 21 October 2016

.. Or not.

Remember that post where I talked about starting to get used to Graves Disease and ptsd-like symptoms? Yeah?
Seems like I was wrong.
I worried too much about a possible relapse, had nightmares about relapsing and subsequently started failing exams left and right. I'm an idiot.

Public Service Announcement : Never underestimate a disease, because it can affect you in so many ways..

So here I am. Bitter and disappointed that this happened and that I was underestimating those things again. Back to dealing with a depression where my brain seems to be intent on self-destructing and drags up unwelcome memories of my so-so past.

Public Service Announcement 2: Do not shame, hit or abuse your kids in any other ways even if it's to improve their academics. Because one in so many kids ends up like me: miserable and trying not to give into the urge to drag a blade across all of their arteries.

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