Monday 17 September 2012


Medical term denoting fevers.

Medical Dictionary

Yes, I named my blog after Pyrexia, the medical term for 'fever'.
I only swapped the 'y' for 'u' because in Ancient Greek, we the sign for 'y' was a 'u'. Not to mention there's already another blog with the name 'Pyrexia'.

.. Alright. This is the second time in a month I'm coming down with a bloody darn fever. Funny thing? Yesterday was my birthday. I was ill on my birthday.

Illnesses strike whenever they want, wherever they want.

I didn't measure my body temperature, but I'm guessing its close to 39 °C.
Sometime ago, my body temperature used to linger around 38 °C without me being ill or feeling like crap. I'm weird like that.
By now, my regular body temperature is about 37.5 °C, which is still a bit higher than the average of 37 °C, but it falls within the range of normal again.
I never knew an elevation of 1.5 °C could make me feel this crappy, but I guess I underestimated the power of a good old fever bout.

So when do we call it a fever?

Friday 14 September 2012

Weekend Ponderings...

This is an useless post on why I already hate dislike Health & Life Sciences, which is what I'm currently studying, and why the hell I think med school would be my thing. Don't read this.

Yup, it's Friday! Yay!
And even though it's Friday, I have a writing assignment to finish, two upcoming exams to study for and a web-course to finish and pass.

And I'm only in the second week of my first year of university. Not even med school. Oh no.. But I would gladly give up my position to get into med school. Internship? Residency? 'Pimping', or 'Shame Based Learning' as it's called? Sure. Come at me, bro!
While I've discovered that I certainly do like writing about diseases and researching them for a week or so, I've also discovered that I still dislike hate cell biology and genetics - which is what we're dealing with right now in Health & Life Sciences. Joy..

Wednesday 12 September 2012

Flu Epidemic Europe 2012?

I came down a week ago with a random flu-like disease.
My fever came and went, while my throat only felt a little sore for a couple of days. No nasal congestion, no rash. I wasn't sore all over, although it did bring a killer headache.
Aside from this, I was tired 24/7, even when I slept 9 hrs.
It certainly wasn't strong enough to keep me in bed, but it was annoying.

Today, I found a newspaper article in a Dutch newspaper concerning the flu. Title: "Experts predict flu epidemic"

Sp!ts, September 12th 2012
Read on for a sucky English translation (by me)

Saturday 8 September 2012

Neonatal Jaundice

I survived my first week of college (I'm studying Health & Life Sciences at VU University Amsterdam).
So far, it's been an alright experience. I found out I really, really dislike cell biology, although I do like writing about disorders and ailments.
I just finished my first writing assignment regarding neonatal jaundice, and although I'm no expert, I'll be blabbering about it in this post.

The info regarding Neonatal Jaundice has been updated as of November 16th, 2012.

Monday 3 September 2012

Donating Blood : The Aftermath

Enough said. They probably punctured the vein on the other side as well, and then accidentally stabbed the bicep muscle as well. >_>

This was 5 days after my donation.

Other posts about Blood Donation:
Donating Blood I
Donating Blood II

Thanks for reading!

Sunday 2 September 2012

Lab Coat!

I Am Mad Scientist!
It's So Cool!!

.. I know, random moment.
Why do people obsess over lab coats anyway?

Saturday 1 September 2012

More books!

Yup, I finally got my books today. Missing two of them, though.
The moment I saw the anatomy&physiology book, I freaked out because I thought it was some basically the same as the Sobotta. Luckily, it's not the same. ^^

They also delivered my lab coat >;D I love lab coats! It's ginormous for a size S coat, though. Euro size 42 o_o'
(84 cm/33")