Friday 11 January 2013

First Aid

Hi there,
I've survived my last blood drawings (two of them, even..) and my retakes.
I even managed to score 8.5 out of 10 points! Go me!
I still have no clue as to what I'm suffering from, but my doctor did help me with diagnostic questions and approaches for when I get into med school.

Several months ago, I signed up to volunteer for the Dutch Red Cross as a First Aid provider.
Tomorrow, I'll be going into training :D
I'll be saving lives!

EHBO / First Aid

While it's not medical school, I'm sure I'll like it :)
The people are really nice (and they're closet perverts), but the Dutch Red Cross has provided me with loads and loads of materials, including the three books pictured above. Total value? Some €60,- or more.

The Dutch Red Cross is a very nice organization to volunteer for. My district really showers us with tiny gifts. Christmas cards, Christmas presents, etcetera etcetera.

For people who want to get into medical school, like me, I'd totally recommend doing volunteer work. The Red Cross/Red Crescent seems to be a good organization :)
I don't know if my approaches to medical school appliance will work now that I started volunteering, but I'll let you know.

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