Friday 25 January 2013

More lab!

Blegh. As much as I like prodding and coloring bacteria on microscope slides, I can't say lab is very enjoyable when you have to get through the snow to get to college.
It's -6 degrees Celsius here in the Netherlands, and anyone living far up north or land-inwards is going to laugh at me for being a wuss. But I'm Asian. I dislike extreme colds.
I dislike having the cold as well, as do I dislike having a pesky ache and elevated heart rate of unknown origins.

Lab trinkets!

Lab can be fun though. Especially when you're working with agar plates, unknown bacteria and fire. (Did I mention I have slight pyromaniac-tendencies?)

The plate shown above contains at least two different bacterial species. One is probably a Bacillus species, the other came from a shard of toothpick.
Yes. Toothpick. The tiny yellow colony close to the black star grew from a shard of UNUSED toothpick. Ew?

Life as a college student (pre-med like courses, even..) is busy. While it's easy, it is by no means easy to pass. The amount of text you have to learn is humongous. If you hate studying, don't become a doc. I'm currently studying my ass off for the Threat & Protection I exam. 20+ chapters, 400+ pages.

I'm also working on a case of Salmonellosis. This time, I'm playing the role of a doctor. Not of a scientist, a patient, or a healthcare manager, no.. I finally get to see the doctor's side of it.
It's so much more fun to deal with the doctor's side of it..

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