Sunday 28 September 2014

Gynaecology (Gross Anatomy) Mandatory E-Learning Answers

Antwoorden Ingangstoets Gynaecologische Anatomie 
Hello, my pretties~

Today, I bring you the (partly) correct answers to the mandatory e-learning test for the Gynaecology Gross Anatomy Lab.. Thing..
I'm leaving out the 'drag the arrow to X structure' questions because I'm lazy and don't want to spam this page with pictures.
If you do not screw up those questions and keep to these answers provided, you'll get a score of ~90%, which is more than enough to gain entry to the anatomy lab!


  • Elk os coxae bestaat uit drie botten; het os ilium, het os ischii en het os pubis. Waar komen de drie verschillende botstukken van het os coxae bij elkaar?


To those of you who have either cleverly deduced my identity, or who have somehow been entrusted with my secret..


Friday 26 September 2014

Self-Medication: Yay or Nay?

Weekend, weekend, weekend! <3

Yeah! I love my weekends! Sleeping, eating, and shopping, huzzah!
Okay, back to the point. I went shopping because I needed to get some meds; anti-inflammatories and the accompanying proton pump inhibitors, because I'm not very fond of gastric ulcers.

Sunday 21 September 2014

Vaardigheidsonderwijs V2.2.2. Gynaecologisch onderzoek

I'm having the greatest fun watching people google for the answers only to come up on the prank page.

Here be the REAL answers:
Vaardigheidsonderwijs Ingangstoets V2.2.2 Gynaecologie

1.   A = Mons pubis

      B = Prepuce of clitoris

      C = Urethral opening

      D = Vestibule

      E = Hymen (torn)

      F = Perineum

      G = Anus

      H = Posterior Fourchet

      I = Labia majora

      J = Vaginal entrance

      K = Labia minora

      L = Glans of clitoris

Friday 19 September 2014

Confession #2: The Prankster

Alright guys,

For those of you who are med students at AMC-UvA, and who are currently (at the time of me writing this) in year 2: you're probably well aware of the prank I pulled on you guys. The one which features this:

Antwoorden Vaardigheidsonderwijs Ingangstoets V2.2.2 Gynaecologie

Friday 12 September 2014

Bio Inc.

Hey guys!

Look what I found this Friday evening!
I was looking for a Plague Inc-like game, and ta-da!
This is Bio Inc. Your goal in this game is to kill off a single person using a disease which you control.
The funny thing is that you can give this person a name of your choice!

So if you really dislike someone, this is your chance to kill that person in your imagination/in game-form.

Thursday 11 September 2014

Tuesday 9 September 2014


Is for the weak.
New academic year! New opportunities! New chances to get that bloody A+ for whatever exam..
And of course, another chance to try to learn how to deal with <7 hrs of sleep a day.
I'm starting the year with 2.1 - Reproduction and Embryology (rough translation), and by the gods, my time table sucks.