Tuesday 9 September 2014


Is for the weak.
New academic year! New opportunities! New chances to get that bloody A+ for whatever exam..
And of course, another chance to try to learn how to deal with <7 hrs of sleep a day.
I'm starting the year with 2.1 - Reproduction and Embryology (rough translation), and by the gods, my time table sucks.

I still horrendously fail at being a morning person, and I also horrendously fail at this <7 hrs of sleep/day thing.
9-17 lecture/lab days are also kind of killer, especially when you have to spend a lot of time studying after class.
I once thought 12hrs, or even 8hrs of studying/day was impossible. I made a mistake. It IS possible, although it certainly is pretty damn ineffective.
I spent a week on 5-7hrs of sleep/day, but I really do need at least 8,5hrs of sleep/day. A week has passed since we started year 2, and I'm starting to nod off during lectures, which of course forces me to watch those lectures at home again, which is time I could've spent marrying my bed..

Med School, I love you, sorts of, but I still don't like your morning person-ness (Is that even a word?).

So here's a word of advice for any 2nd years in medical school (Especially the Dutchies!): get enough sleep. Seriously.

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