Friday 19 September 2014

Confession #2: The Prankster

Alright guys,

For those of you who are med students at AMC-UvA, and who are currently (at the time of me writing this) in year 2: you're probably well aware of the prank I pulled on you guys. The one which features this:

Antwoorden Vaardigheidsonderwijs Ingangstoets V2.2.2 Gynaecologie

Jullie hadden trouwens wel goed gegoogle'd.
First of all, I harbour no ill will towards any of you guys. (But that doesn't mean I'm sorry for the prank I pulled on you guys. Those of you who harbour ill will towards me for pranking you guys, I have only one thing to tell you: UP YOURS!)

Second of all, I needed to have a fun-moment. Seeing dozens of people visit my site only to end up on a page with a bunch of BS, that's prime-time entertainment.
(Yes, I'm a sadist bitch, deal with it).

September 18: Prank Day!

Third of all, I'll re-upload the answers, whenever I feel like it (unless someone really gets on his/her knees and begs for it).

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