Sunday 23 November 2014

No room for breathers..

So.. Block 2.1's (Sexual Reproduction and Embryology) exam was on a Monday, several weeks ago.
Clinical and Scientific Methodology (KWM) immediately started the day after that exam.
KWM's exam was several weeks ago, also on a Monday.
And 2.2 - Cardiology immediately started off the day after KWM's exam.
Which means that I haven't really had time to recover from the exam stresses etcetera.

I've tried to take some days off (read: skipping lectures and not doing any reading), but that didn't work, as I felt guilty for taking time off.
I tried to shoot off the stress (I'm a recreational barebow archer) and to pound the stress away (I'm also a self-defense practitioner), but those two methods didn't work either.
I tried to play some games (Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate ftw), but again, I feel guilty for not doing something useful.

The result is that I'm still stressed out, and that I am running a week behind on my reading etc..
This idiot here needs at least two days and a whole afternoon of doing nothing and perhaps sipping on alcoholic beverages to recover from the exam stress.
This idiot hasn't had recuperation time for two exams.
And this idiot is starting to come down because of it.

This is so not done..

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