Tuesday 4 November 2014


Soo.. There's this odd subject/course I was taking for over the last 2 weeks or so.
'Klinische en Wetenschappelijke Methodologie', AKA 'Clinical and Scientific Methodology' or 'Biomedical Statistics'..

.. It's way too vague. We Dutchies apparently suck at grasping the logic of this thing called 'odds' or 'odds ratios'. Blame our lack of horse racing.
It's also not one of the nicest things to do (seriously? Who the hell attends medical school to deal with statistics and numbers? Not me!), but I do get why we have to learn some of it.

KWM exam was yesterday. I don't know if I passed, but let's hope I did pass. It would majorly suck to have to retake the exam next year.

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