Monday 22 December 2014

Winter holidays!

So. Cardiology exam was uh. Last Friday. I'm not sure if I passed it or not, but to the AMC-Uva's second-years of the future: study hard and study well.
You. Will. Need. It.

Because that's exactly how I felt during my exam. I attended nearly all of the lectures (and no, I was not stealing glances at my rather interesting classmate!) and rewatched/reread the slides at home as well. And I still feel like I ruined my exam. Ugh.

But on a positive side-note. I have winter holidays. And no retakes (I'm sorry for those who do have to retake an exam. Best of luck, loves!)
So I can finally pick up my weapons and handhelds again. Aww yes!

Sunday 7 December 2014

うるさい, ばかやろう!

(Title: Urusai, bakayaro! Japanese for "Shut up, (you) idiot!")

There are several things I absolutely detest..

Friday 5 December 2014

"It gets easier in Y2/M2.."

No. No, it doesn't. Not at all.
Not for us Dutchies.
It's bloody Friday night, and I'm up studying. Still.
What are they doing tonight?