Sunday 7 December 2014

うるさい, ばかやろう!

(Title: Urusai, bakayaro! Japanese for "Shut up, (you) idiot!")

There are several things I absolutely detest..

  1. Having to get up early for school. No. Not done.
  2. Public transport failing, hard. (Which happens too often these days. It's like the number of uberfails is inversely correlated to the temperature.)
  3. Forgetting my earbuds at home.
  4. That one person who clogs up the escalator. (Hello, people develop obesitas and diabetes on the right side, the non-mover side, and people stay healthy on the left side, the mover side!)
  5. That one person who blasts supersweet sugary diabetes-inducing songs in the tram/metro/train/bus. With or without earphones.
  6. Those people who talk superloud while we're in the train/etc. Coincidentally, those people are almost always people with some colour on their skin. 
  7. Classmates who blabber during lecture. While the professor is doing his/her thing. Really. Shut up.
It's already hard enough to pay attention to the lecturer for the full length of the lecture.
Sure, I get it, lectures may get boring really quickly. You need to discuss X plans with your BFFs. I also waste my time on Fb, Reddit and Tumblr whenever a lecture bores me.
But really.. When you blabber during lecture.. I will hate you.


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