Thursday 1 October 2015

It's Pink! Again!

Every October, this blog turns pink.
Why? 'Cause Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

Don't like, don't visit.

The Dutch Pink Ribbon organisation had someone design the Pink Ribbon bracelet for this year, and I'm.. not sure what to think about it.

Link here!

It's simple (for some people, this is a plus). There's a symbolic thing going on too (the eye symbol), which is nice and all..
But all in all, it is relatively expensive (€10,-) for such a simple bracelet.
€4,26 will be donated to the organisation, for breast cancer research, psychosocial help and education, I suppose.

Pink Ribbon (NL) was utterly humiliated several years ago when it was said that only a small percentage of its money was invested into research. The rest of it probably disappeared into someone's very fat wallet. Or somewhere else. Who knows.
Either way, buy it if you like it, or just find a more trustworthy organisation to donate to.

Alternatively, (veterinary) medical professionals can buy a very cute pink stethoscope from Littmann. For every pink steth sold, €5 will be donated to cancer research.

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