Sunday 24 January 2016

Are you serious?

Ever heard about asthma? That weird affliction where sometimes the airways of a person decide to spasm and choke the life out of the person they're supposed to supply oxygen to?
It's supposedly unpleasant as hell to have (I do not have it, but I do know people who have it). 
People have compared it the hellish feeling of having to run around while breathing in and out through a straw (go try it, it sucks).


 In Texas, a kid's classmate suffered an asthma attack in class.
The kids over there aren't allowed to keep their meds with them, and that includes asthma inhalers and noradrenaline pens, both of which are very important to patients who suffer from asthma or severe allergic reactions.

Either way, asthma attack, no direct access to inhalers. The teacher emailed (yes, emailed) the school nurse and told everyone to stay where they are.
Unfortunately, the kid with asthma's condition deteriorated enough for her to fall out of her chair. That was when Anthony, her classmate, decided that waiting for the school nurse to email back wasn't enough. He picked her up and disobeyed the teacher by carrying her to the school nurse.

Sad thing? He was suspended for it.
The kid is a hero. 'Murica, what the hell are you doing? Whats with this retarded policy? What if the school nurse is out on a lunch break and will only check her email after she's done eating? It's like emailing 911 because there's a fire in your home.

Dear 911,

Fire! Fire in my home! Please come quickly!

Hope to hear from you soon,
As stupid as some people are, most teenagers are smart enough to be able to take their meds without the help of a school nurse. There's no need to take epi-pens and asthma inhalers away from kids. It's not like they can get high on it anyways.

Dear United States of America (or as I'd like to call you, 'Muricah),
Please get your shit together.
Sincerely, Ainyria.


Links, for the curious: 
Reddit. Read the comments section for more insight regarding this ludicrous thing. 
Too lazy to find more links. 

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