Friday 15 January 2016

Graves' Disease.. Part 6: Hoarding meds

You amateurs, you..

Word got out that one of the major producers of levothyroxine (thyroid hormone, more specifically, synthetic FT4) is unable to produce enough medication for the Dutch thyroid patients here.
This is because the pharmaceutical company is hauling ass; ergo nothing will be produced for a while.

There's going to be a shortage of Thyrax tablets with a dosage of 25ug starting February this year. The other dosages, 100ug and 150ug, will probably run out somewhere around June.

[Insert a lot of panic among my fellow thyroid patients.]

I lucked out and got my dosage increased from 3x25ug to 1x100ug, so I still have a personal stash of +- 3months lying around, with chances that I will have enough pills to last me until the summer.

A lot of my fellow patients are now attempting to hoard the last amounts of Thyrax now. Some of them are even attempting to hoard a year's supply.
Shame on you, really.
No one really enjoys having a thyroid disease. Everyone is going to suffer from being forced to switch to another brand.
Eventually, you'll have to switch to another brand as well. So please don't hog.

My first thought when I heard about patients attempting to hoard a year's supply of Thyrax: DAMN, YOU GREEDY HAMSTERS!

Link 1
Link 2

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