Thursday 14 May 2015

Graves' Disease.. Part 4: Am I ill, or not?

I'm taking meds to freeze my thyroid gland in it tracks, to make sure it doesn't produce anymore thyroid hormone, as well as meds to push my heart rate back down.
The problem is that my meds can wither away my white blood cells - leaving me with a lacking defense against bacteria and the likes.
Thats why my endo explicitly ordered me to go to my hospital to get my blood checked anytime I get a fever, sore throat or the likes.
I woke up with a very slight fever and a little bit of a sore throat sometime ago. Not enough to actually go "OMG I'M GOING TO DIE!", but I knew I had to keep an eye on it. If it progressed to a full-blown fever, I'd either had to get myself checked at my teaching hospital, or go back home to get seen by a doctor there.
Actually lingering between "No, I'm not ill," and "Yes, I'm ill and could die if my white blood cells are really done for," is awful.
Even my classmates were somewhat worried about me (<3!)
But I'm still alive.

I hate this thing. 
I was fine with the hayfever and eczema, and the occasional rolled ankles.
But because the thyroid hormone regulates so many things in our bodies, I'm almost like, massively screwed over.

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