Tuesday 2 June 2015

Things Med Students Hate.. #2

Failing a test.

Believe it or not, I actually failed a test (although I fought to rectify that issue, and instead passed the test! <3).
And then, I cried about it too. (For someone with a sad amount of confidence and who hates being weak, crying is an absolute taboo too).

Yes. I cried about me failing a test, even if I just barely failed it. (55.25 where 55.5 is a pass).

All the stress of being diagnosed with Graves, having to juggle school and Graves, trying not to absolutely destroy the people who bother me, feeling slightly guilty because I snapped at everyone, etcetera just.. BAM. I was done for.

I felt like locking myself up in the bathroom for hours on end, and just let the shower run, clothes and nagging people who need the bathroom too be damned.

I'm a wuss - I hate retaking tests. I'm dead scared of disappointing people. A measly 0.25pt difference broke me.
Not every med student hates failing tests as much as I do, though. But we don't like it for sure.

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