Friday 1 May 2015

Graves' Disease.. Part 3: DO IT! NO DON'T! I WANT IT NOW!


1. characterized by actions based on sudden desires, whims, or inclinations rather than careful thought: an impulsive man.
Graves' Disease can mimic mental illnesses.
That's why I thought I was going insane. I don't feel like I'm the 'Old Me' anymore.
My mind is constantly switching between anger, calmness, ADHD-moods and god knows what else.
I've suddenly become 'dyslexic', in that I'm writing words with wrong letters - 't' instead of 'd', 'f' instead of 'v', and all that sort of ridiculous crap.
I used to be a very good reader. I'm seeing none of that now.

A funny thing of Graves' disease is that it also moves people to snap more easily at each other, but also that it makes people impulsive.
I had a professional piercer place a second earlobe pierce on both sides. Why? I always kind of liked it (but I preferred a cartilage/helix piercing over the earlobes).
And because I don't know why else.
I suddenly decided "I'm going to let someone place a piercing today,", uncaring of the adverse effects it could have on my body (since my anti-thyroid meds could possibly temporarily destroy my white blood cell counts).
I didn't really bother myself for long with thinking what other medical professionals and patients may think of my pierces.

.. Oops?

Update: It's been about 6 months since I had my earlobe pierces done. Still not regretting it. Also making plans to get a helix piercing done.

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