Thursday 10 September 2015


Yes. Even medical students and doctors will sometimes reach that point where they're done with being nice and transition to wanting to kill someone. I reached that point the day before yesterday, and today, again.
It doesn't help that I'm having my period and am still slightly hyperthyroid.

Our professors for Ortho (3.1) told us to bring our anatomy atlases (eg, that superexpensive Netter's atlas worth €55, or that pretty Sobotta worth €120) to gross anatomy lab, because we'd be needing them. I'm alright with people borrowing my atlas, so long as they return it in the state it was in when I gave it to them.

But one person.. One person in my group...
A: did not ask for my permission to borrow it.
B: touched my atlas with greasy fingers (and keep in mind that this is gross anatomy lab, where there are REAL human cadavers being studied). So that grease is actually human fatty oils. Of a dead person.
C: left actual bits of human cadaver in my atlas.
D: did not say sorry.

If you're reading this, Bitch-Who-Left-Human-Cadaver-Bits-In-My-Netter's, let me tell you this: Do not, under any circumstances, tell me that it was YOU who dirtied my book. Because I will intentionally hurt you, and being someone who also studies martial arts, I promise you that I will make my revenge hurt.
Only fess up if you're bringing me a new Netter's atlas, or consider yourself in pain for multiple hours.

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