Wednesday 9 September 2015

Water.. Everywhere!

I arrived at school/uni today, only to see a bunch of ambulances with police escorts arrive at the teaching hospital. My first thought was: "Oh. Probably a really urgent one, maybe a child.."
I didn't think much of it, until my classmates started talking about "Hey, have you heard about the VUMC yet?"
And that was when I found out about this:

This.. happened in one of the teaching hospitals here in the Netherlands (VUMC/VU University of Amsterdam, to be precise).

A water main somewhere on the streets near the VUMC medical center/teaching hospital decided it'd be a good time to burst, and well. There was water everywhere; water on the streets, in the parking lots, water in the basement of the hospital, where, sadly, some very important infrastructure elements were being kept..
The result was that the power failed in the hospital, and they couldn't use their back-up generators either because those are being kept.. in the basement.

So yeah. Lots of ambulances all over Amsterdam today, since they had to move a lot of patients to another hospital (including the hospital where I'm studying to become a doc!)

Luckily, it happened before most (if not all?) of the surgeons started operating. Imagine the chaos that would've ensued if the power suddenly failed out during your operations. Yikes.

Last movie shows a specialized ambulance - meant for transporting (pediatric) intensive care patients, cardiac patients, etc - and its police escorts.
And yes, that is 'my' teaching hospital, also known as my 'second home' for the coming 4 years.

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