Friday 31 August 2012

Donating Blood II

Alright, last time I babbled on and on about my own experiences regarding donating blood.
I'm going to babble about the requirements you have to meet if you wish to donate blood today.


Age: 18+
Weight: 50kg+
Blood Volume: 3.5L+
Hb levels: between 7.5-10mmol/L for women, between 8.5-11mmol/L for men
Blood pressure: above 90/60. If you have a ridiculously high BP, the doc will ask you why and might send you back home to take care of it.
Negative for HIV/HEP/Syphilis/Any other weird disease, of course.

.. Wait! There's more!

Wednesday 29 August 2012

Donating Blood

Hey folks!

Today was the first time I gave up blood to save someone.
In the Netherlands, those who give blood are unpaid volunteers. We do it simply because we like the thought of helping people. Noble thought, right?
The docs made me fill in some survey, again (it was the same one, geez), asking about my non-existent sex life, travels and recent health. Nothing out of the ordinary.
My Hb values and blood pressure were still nearly the same, so I got to donate blood.

Wednesday 22 August 2012

But I'm so poor..!

Nearly every college student deals with this.
In 1.5 week, I'm starting college, and my wallet is already empty.
I still have to find myself a job which will allow me to earn a pretty penny while also allowing me to ace this year.
I have to pay for self defense classes.
No one is buying my beaded works. I have not yet bought any school books, save for The Sobotta (which still cost €100+).
I still have to buy a lab coat and 8 other books if I substitute the Dutch anatomy book with the Sobotta.
I'm poor.

Tuesday 21 August 2012


"What will you do if you don't get into med school?"
We'd rather not think about it, but everyone will ask you this question, unless you happen to be a cum laude student.
Will you give up?
Wait for a year while doing nothing?
Wait for a year while studying something else?

Choices, choices..

Tuesday 14 August 2012

So how do you get into med school? II

Of course, there are a few unusual ways of getting into med school too.

Last time, I rambled on about the central selections.
Maybe I should tell you something about the school selections, lateral entries and SUMMA.

For those of you who have not read the first part, go read it. Unless you're familiar with the Dutch education system, that is.

Sunday 12 August 2012

So how do you get into med school? I

So how do you get into med school?

Can you get into med school without taking biochemical subjects?

In the States, there are things with GPA and MCAT (don't ask me, someone explain this to me, please). I've heard it was surprisingly hard to get into med school with a 3.5 GPA.
In Belgium, everyone has to take a test, and only the best get into med school.

So what about the Netherlands? It sort of sucks.

Saturday 11 August 2012

Speed Anatomy

Forgive me, I'm having one of my weird moods today.

I nearly mastered Speed Anatomy :)

Thursday 9 August 2012

Sobotta - Atlas of Human Anatomy

My parents gave me this for graduating from high school. Sort of impressive, aye?