Thursday 9 August 2012

Sobotta - Atlas of Human Anatomy

My parents gave me this for graduating from high school. Sort of impressive, aye?

Weighing at 4kg, this book is one hell of a beast.

Pages: 815 numbered pages, the rest of them I didn't feel like counting (they're blank pages anyway)
Size: 31.5cm x 23.8cm x 4.7cm
Price: €100,-+ (Yeah, I've been looking at this beauty for a while, but I chickened out because it was over a 100 euros. It's worth it though.)
14th Edition, 2008 (the contents are identical with the 22nd two-volume edition)
CD: Nope, but I do have online access, so I've got to check it out sometime.
Tables of Muscles, Joints and Nerves: Yes. Additional 76 pages, 3mm thick.

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