Wednesday 29 August 2012

Donating Blood

Hey folks!

Today was the first time I gave up blood to save someone.
In the Netherlands, those who give blood are unpaid volunteers. We do it simply because we like the thought of helping people. Noble thought, right?
The docs made me fill in some survey, again (it was the same one, geez), asking about my non-existent sex life, travels and recent health. Nothing out of the ordinary.
My Hb values and blood pressure were still nearly the same, so I got to donate blood.

I offered the docs my left arm because I felt like sketching this night. They had no trouble finding the vein, only after 100mL or so, the vein decided against bleeding. The doctor tried to see if wiggling the needle around (only slightly, but it still hurt. Damn) helped, but nope.
The doctor dropped me off at another doc's, because policy said that a doctor couldn't stab a patient again if it didn't work the first time (makes the patient distrusting, or so they said)

So yeah. I moved doctors, and my new doctor was.. Handsome. And above all, very nice. Then again, I've never met a not-so-nice doc.
We tried my right arm, and for a split second, it looked as if it wouldn't bleed (helloo, that stupid needle hurts!).

Either way, it worked!
For those of you who suffer from trypanophobia(fearing needles), don't continue.

See that massive needle? I think its a 16/17 gauge needle. Outer diameter nearly 2mm.
Wiggle that inside the vein, and it hurts.

I lost over 500mL of blood, and considering my length (approx 5'1), that might be a bit much.
I did feel slightly faint afterward, and my heart is still beating a bit faster than it should.
But I don't regret it.
I'd gladly do it a thousand times, knowing that I helped someone.
Its also a free blood work test and serves as a way to see if I contracted some weird disease such as HIV or HEP.

For you Dutch readers, if you want to donate blood, visit Sanquin's website to see if you can donate blood.

More posts on donating blood:
Donating Blood II
Donating Blood: The Aftermath

Thanks for reading!

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