Friday 31 August 2012

Donating Blood II

Alright, last time I babbled on and on about my own experiences regarding donating blood.
I'm going to babble about the requirements you have to meet if you wish to donate blood today.


Age: 18+
Weight: 50kg+
Blood Volume: 3.5L+
Hb levels: between 7.5-10mmol/L for women, between 8.5-11mmol/L for men
Blood pressure: above 90/60. If you have a ridiculously high BP, the doc will ask you why and might send you back home to take care of it.
Negative for HIV/HEP/Syphilis/Any other weird disease, of course.

.. Wait! There's more!

Wait for 2 weeks..
Until you're symptom-free if you had the cold/flu.

Wait for 6 months..

If someone slathered a tattoo on your skin or if you've had your body pierced sometime ago. This includes acupuncture with reusable needles.
If you've been to another country outside of the EU.
If a doctor took a peek inside of your body (endoscopy).
After a pregnancy, even if you miscarried or had it removed.

Wait for 12 months..
If you had a one night stand with someone carrying the HIV virus.
If you had a one night stand with someone who's used intravenous drugs.
If you had a one night stand with a man who has had sex with other men.
If you had sex with someone from South-Saharan Africa. Or if you happened to live in that area.
If you had a one night stand with someone carrying any HEP virus.
If you had a stabbing accident with an item which has been in contact with the blood of someone else. (Then again, this also includes non-accidents, for all of you drug users..)
If you've used cocaine.

You're ineligible to give blood if..
You've lived in the UK between 1980 and 1996. (total time spent in UK over 5 years)
You've got HIV/AIDS
You used recreational drugs (intravenous)
If your partner used intravenous recreational drugs
If your male partner has been intimate with other men (Sorry, not my requirements, although I do understand where they're coming from)
If you carry HEP-B or HEP-C.
If you're wondering whether or not you contracted a disease from someone while doing.. stuff.
If you had paid sex/paid someone for sex.

Yes, see that needle and the blood? Quit playing with it!

More posts on donating blood:
Donating Blood I
Donating Blood : The Aftermath

Thanks for reading!

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